Welcome to the May Mailbag! This week, collectors were introduced to Rookie Revelation, the first Top Shot Moments to feature NBA Draft footage — along with the ability to burn their locked Moments as one method to earn these Legendary Packs.
On May 26, Boosted Hot Pack Set Rewards are being delivered to eligible collectors, with Western Conference Fit Check delivered before May 31.
On May 31 at 5pm ET, the next Set Reward Snapshot will take place for completed + locked NBA Sets from Series 1, Summer '21, Series 2, and Series 3.
The NBA Playoffs are heading toward an epic conclusion, and we have plenty of updates to share and questions to answer in today’s Mailbag. As always, send your questions to mailbag@nbatopshot.com for the June edition.

Las Vegas during Summer League has become a July tradition for NBA fans and Top Shot collectors alike. What can we expect this year?
NBA Top Shot will be in Las Vegas from July 7-9, for the first weekend of Summer League!
This year, we’ll have a different footprint than years past, focusing our efforts at the epicenter of the action around the NBA during those days.
Stay tuned for more details, but if you want to be part of it all, be in Las Vegas for the first weekend.

I spend a ton of time thinking about Top Shot and how it can improve but don't always feel like my opinions are heard. How can I get more involved as a member of the community?
Today we are launching our 2023 Collector Panel, which will give members of our community a formal and direct line to different members of our team across roles and responsibilities, and the opportunity to review and provide feedback on potential plans for the future.
Right now, there is an open enrollment period to volunteer to join the Collector Panel, which you can complete via this form for consideration.
The Collector Panel will rotate in new members regularly with strict rules for participating, but most importantly, we are excited to bring our community closer in a new way that can help us ensure we are aligned on ideas, both big and small, for Top Shot's future.

The NBA has dished out their awards for MVP, ROTY, DPOY, and other Player Leaderboard Reward categories on Top Shot. When can we expect the Leaderboard Snapshot and to receive the Moments we’ve earned?
Rare and Legendary Player Leaderboard Rewards will be delivered before the end of July, and the time and date of the Snapshot for each Reward will be shared with at least 48 hours advance notice.
This has been the first year of Leaderboards, and one thing we’ve learned during Series 4 and want to make a habit in the future is to deliver Rewards as close to a Leaderboard Snapshot as possible — so when the Snapshot does happen, you’ll get each respective Reward you’ve earned within days.
Parallels have been a part of Series 4’s Base Set and Leaderboard Rewards. Will we see Parallels in the upcoming Player Leaderboard Rewards and the final Team Leaderboard Reward?
The final Legendary Team Leaderboard Reward will be minted to /50. It will feature Parallel editions of /5 and /10 to complement the /35 standard editions. The serial numbers will have random distribution within each range, so 1-5, 1-10, and 1-35.
The Rare All-Rookie Team Player Leaderboard will be minted to /150. It will feature Parallel editions of /10 and /25, then a /115 standard edition, with random distribution within each range, so 1-10, 1-25, and 1-115.
The Rare All-NBA and All-Defensive Team Player Leaderboards will be minted to /250. They will each feature Parallel editions of /10 and /25 to complement the /215 standard editions, with random distribution within each range, so 1-10, 1-25, and 1-215.
The Legendary Most Valuable Player, Rookie of the Year, and Defensive Player of the Year Leaderboard Rewards will be minted to /50. They will each feature a Parallel edition of /5 to complement the /45 standard editions, with random serial distribution within each range, so 1-5 and 1-45.

Redemptions have been a fun new part of the NBA Playoffs. Are there plans to continue Redemptions in the future?
We’ve stayed close to the community’s response and interest in Redemptions, and the dynamics they’ve created for collectors and NBA fans. We’re also very excited to see who wins the NBA Finals, the Moments that the remaining Redemptions will produce, and the outcome of the Champion’s Challenge.
As we look ahead to the future, we are still actively exploring the role Redemptions could play in our overall strategy for Series 5. It’s too soon to share anything definitive, but we are excited about what Redemptions can do to help maintain scarcity and promote collectibility beyond this postseason.
After the conclusion of the NBA Finals and Champion’s Challenge, we’ll meet with our Collector Panel to get their feedback on Redemptions and how they can be improved in the future.

At the beginning of Series 4, there was a false start around the introduction of more Vintage Vibes Moments, along with a series of Challenges that would be connected to earning them. What happened with these Moments?
There were a handful of historical Moments that we had ready to release, but ultimately, decided against it. It’s likely that these Moments are never released. In the future, when our next historical Set is released — whether as part of Vintage Vibes or a different Set — some of the Moments will be available to earn via Burning Leaderboards, Crafting Challenges, or something similar.

You recently burned nearly 4,000,000 Moments from the Locker Room and shared that Series 1 Moments from the Locker Room would be fully distributed or destroyed before September 30, 2023. When can we expect to learn more about these plans?
As you’ve seen this week and read about above, we’re beginning to introduce new ways to earn Moments that utilize different systems we’ve built over the last year.
As we committed to earlier in the month, all unreleased Series 1 Moments held by Top Shot will either be fully distributed or destroyed by September 30, 2023.

I’m expecting to receive a second Team Leaderboard Reward for my WNBA collection. Can you share any details about these Moments?
These will be Legendary WNBA Moments minted to /50. There will be 12 total Moments, one for each Team, delivered to the top 50 members of each Team Leaderboard at the time of the snapshot — which will be shared in advance, but has not been determined as of the time this is published (May 26, 2023).
There will be no Parallels of these Moments and the serial numbers for eligible collectors who earn these will be fully randomized in 1-50 order.
More details about the snapshot and delivery will be shared when ready.

NBA Top Shot’s Rookie Revelation Leaderboard introduced the ability to burn locked Moments, but previous communications around the introduction of Locking in July 2022 indicated that we would not be able to burn locked Moments. Can you explain the change?
When locking was first introduced almost 12 months ago, the restriction around burning locked Moments was both a technical limitation and a conscious choice around how this new system should work.
The technical limitations have been overcome, and enough time has passed to conclude there is merit to both locked and unlocked Moments being eligible to be burned across different Top Shot activities.
For Rookie Revelation, we wanted to give collectors the opportunity to get many of these Packs via Leaderboards and felt Rookie Moments were the most practical way to earn and upgrade to new Rookie Moments. Our data showed that many Rare and Legendary Rookie Moments were locked, and that may exclude a large portion of our active collector base from participating in something that should be exciting for everyone.
This is the first time that we’ve ever used a Burning Leaderboard to distribute brand-new Legendary Packs — and it likely won’t be the last. Giving collectors more flexibility to use their Moments to evolve their collection is important, and this is a step towards making that a reality.
Thank you for reading the May 2023 Mailbag. If you have questions for June, send them to mailbag@nbatopshot.com!