Playing in Challenges is at the heart of the NBA Top Shot experience, and since the introduction of Flash Challenges in late 2021, we’ve seen community participation in these nightly and weekly games at all-time highs.
As we continue to innovate Flash Challenges to create more fun for our fans and utility for their Moments, we’re excited to share a few major upgrades, live now, that we believe will significantly improve the user experience and unlock new ways to play.
The first thing you’ll notice when you go to play in a Challenge is a brand new look and feel of the Challenges page that makes participating more intuitive and exciting.
Every Challenge is viewable in one page, where you can see all active Challenges, which ones you’ve already completed, and which are still available for you to play.
Starting today, you’ll also see a new progress bar for all active Challenges, which will visualize how close you are to completing the challenge and how many of the Moments required to participate are already in your collection.

The Challenge Progress Bar, one of the most requested features from our community, updates in real-time based on your actions.
When it’s full, it means you have entered and saved a Challenge Entry with every Moment needed to complete an active Challenge, and all you need to do is keep your Challenge Entry together to be eligible for the prize or reward.
To improve the experience even further, the new Challenge page will visually indicate when you have completed an active challenge. When a challenge ends, we will share real-time information on how many other NBA Top Shot fans have completed that Challenge. This information will also be available for past Challenges.
All previous Challenges will now display the number of fans and players who have completed the Challenge too.
As your NBA Top Shot collection grows and changes with each pack drop, Trade Ticket swap and marketplace decision, we know it can be easy to lose track of what Moments in your account are involved in an active challenge.
Over the last few months, we’ve implemented several pop-up messages to warn you when you’re listing or gifting a Moment that is part of an active Challenge.
Today, we’re leveling up those warnings by adding Trade Tickets to the mix, so you’ll be notified if you are unintentionally exchanging a Moment for a ticket that is part of an active Challenge, whether submitted in a one-off trade or bulk trade-in.

We’ve also added new warnings to the Challenge Builder, informing you if a Moment you are using to complete a Challenge is currently listed for sale. If you add a Moment from your collection to an active challenge, a “For Sale” disclaimer will pop-up, so you can choose to delist it or use a different Moment.
You can still save your Challenge Entry with a Moment for sale, but if that Moment sells before the Challenge expires, the Challenge page will show that your entry is no longer valid. You can easily re-add the Moment that is now missing and re-submit your Challenge Entry to make sure your Challenge entry is complete and you remain eligible for the reward.
Every Challenge Entry built up until today used NBA Top Shot’s “Showcases” feature. This limited Challenges and Flash Challenges to 10 Moments, at most, and also meant that every Challenge entry you created was saved to your “Showcases” portfolio.
While Showcases remain an awesome way to curate highlight reels of your favorite Moments, they will no longer be the tool used to build a Challenge. What does that mean for you?
- You can save your Challenge entry at any point in the process of participating, even if it’s not complete and you haven’t added all of the required Moments, so you can finish it later.
- We can roll-out new Challenge formats that require more than 10 Moments to complete, creating even more fun and creative ways to play and earn
We’re excited to start introducing new Challenges that expand beyond what was previously possible, starting in Series 3.
Many of our Challenges will require specific Moments, like a Top Shot Debut, which are visually identifiable with a badge affixed to the Moment. In the previous version of our Challenge experience, these badges did not show up on the Moments, making it harder to know if you were using the right Moment. This has been fixed, and now, Moment Badges will appear on your collection while you are completing a Challenge.
We’ve also noticed delays in Collector Score bonuses being applied to Challenge Rewards, which has been corrected. Moving forward, the CS bonus for all Challenge Rewards will be automatically applied for fans that complete a Challenge and own the corresponding Challenge Reward Moment. As always, if you sell a Challenge Reward, you will lose the Collector Score points associated with it.
As the regular season shifts towards the NBA Playoffs, Challenges will continue to be a part of NBA Top Shot’s daily and weekly experience, bringing you closer to the game. We hope you enjoy the new look and feel of Challenges, and we are excited to continue building NBA Top Shot with you.