For a limited time, we’re testing out a new pack model that will allow fans of all levels access to packs with the prospect of pulling exciting Moments from Legendary, Rare and Common LE sets at accessible price points.

While our current system has many strengths, we feel one area for improvement is the length of time between Rare or Legendary pack drops. During this test, we plan to debut new Rare and Legendary Moments with every new pack drop, giving fans unparalleled access to the most exclusive Moments on Top Shot.

This does NOT change the volume of content that we expect to release, mint sizes, or specific sets that we will be rolling out throughout this test period or for the duration of Series 3. 

What it does change is the distribution mechanism for the release of those Moments.

Being able to purchase multiple packs will require maintaining specific Collector Score thresholds. Those numbers will likely vary drop to drop as we fine-tune the specifics and have variable quantities available in each release.

I will repeat, the sets, mint counts and total Moments released are all staying intact for the duration of both this test and Series 3 as a whole.

What is changing is that we believe we have an exciting new method for fans of all levels to access packs with a chance of containing Rare and Legendary Moments on a more consistent basis.


The nature of scarce supply and the high demand for Rare and Legendary packs leaves many more people on the outside looking in every time we drop that content. 

This new model allows for a more consistent distribution of these prized Moments in an equitable manner. 

Secondly, it allows us to release sets in bite size pieces. This will give you all ways to build collections of the best sets incrementally.

Of course, this is still just a test, so that opportunity is not guaranteed indefinitely, but we think it opens up an exciting new way for collectors of all sets to stay engaged throughout the season.

The above also dictates that the economy will be expected to absorb smaller quantities of high end and mid-tier liquidity at a given time. This will mean that, theoretically, when new Rare or Legendary Moments hit the market it will take fewer overall buyers and less overall money to achieve price stability within the Rare and Legendary tiers on a per drop basis due to the lower quantities of Rare and Legendary Moments being released in singular drops. 

Additionally, dropping content in this manner will allow us to roll out challenges from all 3 rarity tiers at the same time. 

When we drop the first packs in this test, they will come with corresponding Common, Rare, and Legendary Challenges with exciting reward Moments right out of the gate. 


Currently, a Base Set pack drop contains 0 Moments in the Rare or Legendary tier (or even Common Moments from other sets), but by moving to a “blended” pack model we will provide packs with variable hit rates where a collector can buy a pack and receive some chance at picking up these more coveted, lower-mint-count Moments. 

The way this will work is that a pack drop will be broken up into two queues: one for Elite Packs and one for Standard Packs.  

For the time being, each drop will still carry a theme and the sets contained in a specific drop will be limited to one per tier plus the Base Set. For example, if the Legendary Set is Holo Icon then all the Legendaries in that week’s packs will be from the Holo Icon set. 

Additionally, both the Standard and Elite Packs will have the same plays in them every week.  So if there is a new Holo Icon Moment in Elite Packs it will also appear in the corresponding Standard Pack. 


An Elite Pack will contain 4 Base Set Commons and a 5th Moment which will always be from a Limited Edition set that is either Common, Rare or Legendary. The first group of Elite Packs will contain 24,868 packs in total. Of these:

  • 22,500 (90.477%) will have a Game Recognize Game Common Moment narrated by Kevin Durant, 
  • 1,997 (8.030%) will have a Metallic Gold LE Rare Moment,
  • 371 (1.491%) will have a Holo Icon Legendary Moment. 

For people who buy 5 Elite Packs, they have a ~7.2% chance of receiving at least one Legendary Holo Icon in those packs. 

Within 5 Elite Packs, collectors will find themselves with the guarantee of 20 Base Set Moments and will have a ~34.2% chance of receiving at least one Rare MGLE.

Of course, every pack that doesn’t have a Rare or Legendary will have one of the coveted Common Moments featuring a Moment curated and narrated by Kevin Durant himself from the Game Recognize Game set. 


A Standard Pack will contain 3 Base Set Commons and a 4th Moment that can be from any set featured in the drop, including the Base Set.

The first group of Standard Packs will contain 156,415 packs in total. Of these:

  • 37,500 (23.974%) will have a Game Recognize Game Common Moment, 
  • 3,995 (2.554%) will have a Metallic Gold LE Rare Moment, 
  • 124 (0.079%) will have a Holo Icon Legendary Moment,
  • The remaining 114,796 (73.391%) of these packs will contain 4 Base Set Moments.  

The way the math plays out is such that if you buy 4 packs you will have a ~.3% chance of receiving at least one Legendary Moment.

If you buy 4 packs you will also have a ~9.8% chance of receiving at least one Rare Moment.  

Additionally, in these 4 packs you would receive at least one Common Game Recognize Game Moment ~66.5% of the time. 


In an effort to reward loyalty and encourage building collections incrementally, we are providing the opportunity for fans with higher Collector Scores to buy more than one pack per transaction. 

It is important to note that the Collector Score thresholds below are for the first drop only and are subject to change.

The Collector Scores below reflect Marketplace Bonuses that, for the first time as part of this initial test, are uncapped for spend. 

Elite Packs:

  • 10,000+ CS = 1 pack per transaction
  • 25,000+ CS = 2 packs per transaction
  • 50,000+ CS = 3 packs per transaction
  • 100,000+ CS = 5 packs per transaction

Standard Packs:

  • 0+ CS = 1 pack per transaction
  • 1,000+ CS = 2 packs per transaction
  • 3,000+ CS = 3 packs per transaction
  • 5,000+ CS = 4 packs per transaction

The two-pronged approach is designed such that anyone can qualify for and have a reasonable chance of landing at least one Standard Pack while providing exclusive access to Elite Packs for people who have built substantial Collector Scores. 

Collectors purchasing Elite Packs may also purchase Standard Packs. 


While we are starting this test with packs containing familiar sets in the Legendary and Rare tiers, you may be asking how this impacts our Content Roadmap going forward. Obviously our drop schedule is impacted, but we still plan on those two sets to come in at 90 total Moments for Holo Icon and 150 total Moments for MGLE, including rewards.

However, as we partition out these sets into consistent regular drops over the course of the next month or so, you will see different sets make their way into and out of the test.

On the Common side, we expect to follow Game Recognize Game with other Common sets laid out in the roadmap including Rising Stars and a post-trade deadline rendition of Fresh Threads. For Rare sets, we will naturally transition from MGLE into a few drops covering the All-Star Game Rare set. For Legendaries, we will continue to deliver Holo Icon Moments as well as at least one drop containing Moments from a Legendary Historic set. 


We’ll be closely monitoring the performance of this pilot over the coming weeks, and how it impacts the experience of our existing community and new members of NBA Top Shot.

We understand how frustrating it can be to wait a long time just for the opportunity to join a Queue with the possibility of pulling a Rare or Legendary Moment and come away empty handed. This is our first step forward in testing the viability of a different pack model, and one we hope you’ll embrace.

As always, I will be monitoring the marketplace impact of this new approach, along with your feedback. You can learn about the basics of this pilot here, along with more information about the new Game Recognize Game set that we’ve created in partnership with Kevin Durant to launch it.