Ripping packs on NBA Top Shot is one of the most fun and engaging experiences a collector can have. 

Here’s what you can expect for pack drops during the 2022-23 NBA season.


The chance at a Rare, Parallel or Rookie Debut Moment will be available in our $10 packs to start the season.

With Base Set mint counts at 8,000 CC+ and the chance of something special in every pack, we expect these to be popular and consistently available for the collectors who rip packs for entertainment throughout the season. 


One of the most unique and exciting developments with the Hot Pack format is that it will enable Top Shot’s team to release Moments closer to when they happen on the court, bringing you closer to the game, too.

Expect to see Hot Pack drops offer more variety across sets throughout the season. 

The variety of Moments within Hot Pack Drops will give collectors the opportunity to own different types of Moments and pursue sets as Moments get released closer to when they happen in the season. But Hot Packs won’t be our only mechanism for releasing new Moments.

Packs with guaranteed Rares and Legendaries will also be available during the season.

We’re improving our distribution strategy this season to ensure a higher portion of each Rookie’s 4,000 Top Shot Debut Moments will be released at once.


RSVPs have changed the game.

With RSVPs, simply confirm you want a pack (or two) over a predetermined window, commit your funds, and sit back and relax. 

If your RSVP is accepted, we’ll send you a pack once it’s ready. 

Not every drop in Series 4 will be via RSVPs —some will still use the traditional live Queue format, but our goal is to make drops more convenient for you and less of a strain on the busy lives of our collectors — and we expect RSVPs to play a key role in making that a reality.


These decisions were made with data and community feedback at the forefront. Here were our findings:

  • After surveying over 1,000 new collectors, the number one piece of feedback for why new collectors don’t join a drop was because they didn’t have time during their busy schedules to Queue up and wait. Ease and simplicity need to be critical to the experience. Simply put, we need to make it easier than ever before to line up and snag packs, and we need those packs to cost less than the price of lunch and offer the chance at something exciting.

  • Entry-priced packs that offered the chance at pulling various sets and rarities were our most attended pack drops of all of Series 3. The appeal of pulling a big hit resonated with our community, but the packs needed to offer better value long-term.
  • Drops bring in new collectors. Every day we’ve seen a meaningful spike in new collector sign-ups since mid-Series 2, outside of some bigger campaigns, has come on drop days. We will keep the Rare and Legendary Moments super scarce this season, and our Base Set is slimmed down but diverse enough to offer drops that regularly bring in new collectors.

  • Drops, Challenges, and Leaderboards, alongside the ability to buy and sell on a 24/7 marketplace, all work best when used together. We plan to do much more to demonstrate that these systems can coexist happily on Top Shot and that the unique experiences Top Shot offers make it greater than the sum of its parts.

We hope this context provides clarity for how we got here. We’re going to continue to make Series 4 the best it can possibly be and always strive to provide the best collector experience possible.

To read more about NBA Top Shot's plans during the 2022-23 NBA season, visit our Roadmap Hub. To start your collection and become a part of the future of fandom, create an account today.